“ I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to  provide the conditions in which they can  learn.”

Albert Einstein

Value Proposition

Social and Assessment Tools

Advanced commenting features, such as video as comment, anonymized comments, and gamification, in-video quizzes, enhancing engagement.
Gradebook pass-back support.

Interactive Learning Journeys

Used for all video content needs, including student assignments, skills development, peer review, collaborative learning, guided watching, and many other uses.

Analytics and Insights

Insights into user behavior, video performance, assessments, and activity trends, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Management Tools

Organization aware moderation and role based user access control

Ease of Use

Easy-to-use features that streamline the creation and management of educational content

Seamless Integration

Annoto works with your existing infrastructure (LMS/WordPress/custom) without affecting your website layout or media player

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